Articles by: Eloi andaluz

Animate geometry using lights

Everything started on this tutorial about creating temperature in TP. Creating a data channel where new information is writed over time depending on the distance to an object to create a temperature system. Last week I create an animation with a fan where this data channel was used to control deformed geometry depending on […]

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TP Non linear random selection over time

Hi! here again with more R&D. I always wanted more control about group change over time in TP, so I decided to test it. My goal was to do a random group change (the typical workflow, a random value per particle and per call from 0 to 100, and after […]

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TP Game of life

I discovered recently the Conway-s Game of Life, a celullar automaton created by matemathician John Horton Conway during 1970 to recreate natural celullar behaviours. You can found full information about it here. Basically consist on a grid with a series of rules, you give an initial input and following the specific […]

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3D Artist Interview

I did an interview with 3d artist magazine 111 about my career, I talk about my passions, how I started on 3d, my studies, my past jobs and what Im doing exactly at Scanline. Some day to day work, some recent shoots explanations in Power Rangers and in Guardians of […]

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Ball compensation in TP

A little overview in how to align an object in Thinking Particles to compensate a ball over him so never fall down. This video is based on this cool video from kosolax, that at the same time is based in this ICE video  from Danil Krivoruchko. I was very curious how to create the […]

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FX Insider Interview

Recently I did an Interview for the FX Insider website, talking about my vfx career, tools used (mainly Thinking Particles) and how I used in some of the recent shoots I work on Batman v Superman, Miss peregrine and the new Independence Day Insurgence. Normally you need to be a […]

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Thinking Particle resources

Since I received a lot of requests for thinking particles resources, this is a post to collect all the training and info available for thinking particles on the web, free or by payment, if you know some other sources please write a coment below. Free resources Effectivetds   Together with Goran […]

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Pop corn tutorial in TP

Thinking Particles bullet physics tutorial and scene. Hi! Today in Montreal we have a snow storm, so I pass the day in my house looking some vimeo videos. I found this popcorn effect from Toufik Mekbel  done it with pflow toolbox2. So I decided to do the same effect with TP and share with […]

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Forest by height plane in TP

In this tutorial you will learn how to control particle size based on distance to specific geometry. It’s based on this tutorial from Anselm Van Seherr, done it with pflow toolbox3, check also his other very cool tutorials. We will do the same with TP5. Let’s start with a basic plane (Where our […]

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Thinking Particles destruction deforming object Tutorial

If you ever tried to use a volumebreak on a geometry with deformation (animated character for example) you will see that volumebreak doesn’t retain deformated geometry information. Instead you can use fragment node, this node can read deform geometry, but straight of the box has not the same visible break […]

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UV Map in 3ds max/ After Effect

Tutorial how to export a uv pass from 3dsmax to remap in postproduction. In the company I’m working right now it was necesary to create different 3d effects for a mapping. This effects consist on move the actual video projection in 3d in diferent ways. Normal workflow will be to […]

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Data Channels Tutorial TP

After seeing this video (yes I’m a fan of this two guys) I decided to cook some particles in TP. How? Normally we have acces to diferent particles information like velocity, age, lifespan, size, rotation,…. But in thinking particles we are not only limited to this, we can create any data channel […]

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Post with Gallery

This is some dummy copy. You’re not really supposed to read this dummy copy, it is just a place holder for people who need some type to visualize what the actual copy might look like if it were real content. Mosaic Gallery If you want to read, I might suggest […]

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