Joker Martini released this script that allow to easily create all types of PBR materials in bulk.

Select your folder that contains all your textures for diffuse, normals, roughness, bumps, etc.. The script will automatically place by name each texture to the correct slot. It supports also multiple renderers like VRay, Corona, RedShift, native 3ds Max materials, Arnold, and others. And allow to work in multiple color workflows. This script cost 8$
- Compatible with 3ds max 2022 or newer.
- Auto texture channel recognition and organization
- Auto assigned color space and gamma to each map
- Customize Effects Channel and UV Map Channels
- Apply directly to selected objects
- Apply directly to material editor (Compact and Slate)
- Apply to teapots evenly spaced out
- Supports the creation of VRay, Corona, RedShift, Arnold, Standard and Physical materials.
is it compatible with rar or zip files?